At CBINS we know how important it is for parents, carers and other family members to understand what interaction children are having online, so we can help to safeguard them. We can only help to make our children safer by knowing and understanding how it all works! To help support you with this, we are providing all parents, carers, pupils and other family members with access to downloading an APP, called 'Safer Schools'. Safer Schools is designed to support and protect children by educating you and empowering them. It will provide you with up to date information about critical issues linked to online behaviour and risk. It is also interactive and engaging for pupils, enabling them to learn all about how to be safe online through playing games and quizzes.
We highly recommend the 'Safer Schools' app. It is one of the best ones we have seen available, in helping parents to keep their children safe online.
You can download the Safer Schools app for both Apple and Android devices via the links below. Once downloaded you will need to enter the name of the school in the app: 'Castle Bromwich Infants & Nursery School', and will require a code to access. The code will be made available to all parents via Class Dojo, alternatively you can speak with you class teacher who can pass this onto you.