*** Our School Vision ***
Castle Bromwich Infant & Nursery School
School Vision
Our view of the child:
At Castle Bromwich Infant and Nursery School we believe that each child is a unique individual who has the potential to grow and learn. We believe that children are active, curious, intelligent and full members of society and it is our role to provide them with a caring, secure environment which is also challenging and stimulating. Here they can learn and grow in body, mind and spirit. We also believe that everyone has the right to reach their full potential surrounded by people who believe in them and who recognise that there are no limits to what can be achieved.
Reach for the stars
Our Vision and Aims
At Castle Bromwich Infant and Nursery School we want all our children to feel safe, valued, happy, included and nurtured. Our aim is for all children to be the best that they can be, to be able to be independent critical thinkers who are inspired by their learning and experience success. We strive to achieve this vision by working closely with families, governors and the wider community.
Our staff and Governors, with the support of parents and families, will….
- Work in partnership with the local community and external agencies for the benefit of all our children
- Provide a curriculum that is relevant, memorable, relatable, motivating, and responsive to the needs of all children
- Deliver lessons that enable children to revisit key concepts and apply skills in a number of different ways across school, in order to support future learning
- Be committed and dedicated to inspiring young learners with high quality teaching and learning environments and a focus on extending vocabulary, developing communication, independence, resilience and other essential life skills
- Provide a safe environment where children are encouraged to be themselves, have a voice, are listened to, feel safe and are happy
- Be positive role models, providing high expectations, valuing each child as an individual, and enabling all children to reach their full potential
- Empower children to share responsibility for their learning and behaviour
- Ensure a clear focus on developing a positive climate for learning through the fostering of positive relationships, mutual respect and kindness
- Create an ethos of inclusivity where views, faiths, cultures and races are valued and respected and children are engaged with their wider community
- Be committed to professional development in order to continually improve our practice for the benefit of children
- Encourage a love of learning and promote the value of education in order to ensure all children reach their full potential
- Provide children with opportunities to learn outside of the classroom and help them understand the need to make healthy choices
- Ensure school policies are robust, fit for purpose, child-centred and reviewed regularly
Our children will…
- Feel happy, safe, cared for, valued, included and empowered, and have a positive self-image and attitude
- Be able to make appropriate choices for behaviour, to understand the consequences of their own and others’ behaviour and learn to distinguish right from wrong
- Be willing to try their best and take responsibility for their own learning so that they are able to fulfil their potential
- Feel connected to the wider world in which they live and be part of a community through the establishment of supportive and positive relationships with their peers and other adults in school and in the wider community
- Demonstrate kindness and empathy and be able to understand and express their ideas, feelings and beliefs in the knowledge that they will be listened to and respected
- Communicate effectively and think creatively, solve problems, work collaboratively and persevere even when things get tricky
- Experience success, be able to read and write with fluency and accuracy for a range of purposes and enjoyment and work mathematically with confidence and understanding
- Experience a rich, relevant and inspiring wider curriculum that will engage them and open up possibilities
- Have ambitions and aspirations, be open to possibilities and be all that they can be
- Be equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes for the next phase of their lives and be proud of their achievements
- Be physically and emotionally healthy and keen to learn
- Be actively engaged in their learning and be independent, confident, and curious