Who can I talk to about my child's additional needs?
Your child’s class teacher will be your first point of contact if you have any concerns. Class teachers are responsible for:
- Providing a differentiated curriculum to meet the needs of all learners
- Ensuring that all children have access to good/outstanding teaching
- Identifying pupils with SEND so that early intervention can be implemented
- Liaising with parents and the SENCo
- Attending pupil review meetings when possible
- Planning for teaching assistants to work with the children
- Ensuring that the school’s SEND Policy is followed in their classroom
The SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator), Miss Gemma Bunting.
The responsibilities of the SENCo include:
- The day to day running of the school’s SEND Policy
- Liaising with and advising fellow staff including support staff
- Co-ordinating provision for children with SEND
- Maintaining the schools SEND register
- Monitoring the progress of all pupils with SEND
- Liaising with parents of children with SEND
- Contributing to the in-service training of staff, and liaising with external agencies
- Meeting with the SEND governor
- Attendance of weekly Inclusion meeting
- Ensuring children with medical needs records are updated and liaise with staff, external agencies and families
Teaching Assistants (TAs) or Learning Support Assistants (LSAs)
- Learning support staff can assist the class teacher in delivering work for specific children or small groups of children with special needs. This programme will be planned by the class teacher for the learning support assistant staff, with specific guidelines for delivery of the work. The children may be withdrawn from the classroom setting with the learning support assistant if necessary, although the new Code of Practice states that pupils should be supported within the classroom as much as possible and the class teacher is responsible for ensuring provision for all pupils.
- Learning support staff are responsible for feeding back to the teacher about the child’s progress and about any concerns. Our Learning Support Assistants are; Mrs Liston, Mrs Love, Mrs Edwards, Ms Cater, Mrs Miles and Miss Bolding
Inclusion Teaching Assistant
- Mrs Freeman supports with working with parents to ensure medical needs of children are being met through Care Plans. She is also the schools Autism Lead and works closely with the SISS Autism Team and attends relevant training and events to ensure high quailty provision is in place for those with ASD. Mrs Freeman also leads on the deployment of Lanuage Link interventions to support children with Speech and Langage difficulties.
The Head Teacher, Mr Justin Stokes, whose responsibilities include:
- The day to day management of all aspects of the school, this includes the support for children with SEN and/or disabilities.
- Giving responsibility to the SENCo and class teachers but still responsible for ensuring that your child’s needs are met.
- Making sure that the Governing Body is kept up to date about any issues in the school relating to SEND.
- Designated Safeguarding Lead