Castle Bromwich

Infant and Nursery School

Reach for the Stars

Contact Details

News & Events

Castle Bromwich Infants in the top 9% of all primary schools for phonics!





Tuesday 7th January - Pantomine Day 

Monday 27th January - INSET DAY

Monday 3rd February - Planetarium Visit for Reception Children

Friday 7th February - NSPCC Number Day


HALF TERM - 17th February - 21st February 



Our school provides childcare for children aged 2 years and upwards and a before and after school care facility called ‘All Stars’. This childcare provision is based in purpose built rooms in our ‘All Stars’ building which is situated on Hurst Lane North adjoining the school playground.
Our breakfast club runs from 7.45am until 8.45am when the children are taken to their classes. The after school club runs from 3.15pm until 6.00pm.
The children take part in games, painting, cooking, outdoor play etc. The children will be provided with breakfast in the morning and a light tea after school. Our Leader for the provision will welcome all Parents/Carers and pupils and will provide all the relevant details. If you would like to book a place for your child, or require any further information, then please contact the Manager on 07796 275080 OR 0121 749 7202.
We do provide 15 hours grant funded childcare for children aged 2 and up to 30 hours grant funded childcare for 3 years old. If you feel that you may be entitled to funding please contact the Family Information Service on 0800 389 8667 or email; Once the Family Information Service have confirmed you are entitled to this funding please contact All Stars on 0121 749 7202. Please note that if you are eligible for the 15 hours funding, you can use all or part of your funded hours at All Stars.


At Castle Bromwich Infant and Nursery School we run a cashless system, so all payments to School are made either via Paypoint, or over the internet to the parents/carers Parentpay account. The transfer so far has gone smoothly and we would like to thank all of our Parents and Carers for their co-operation.


All infant school children are now entitled to a free school meal each day. A copy of our school menu is available in Parent Zone. Please ensure that you have completed the Universal Free School Meal form, (available on line at the If you are entitled to Free School Meals as a result of certain benefits, please complete the relevant section on the form and ensure that the school are aware of your entitlement, as the school receives extra funding in these cases.




