Castle Bromwich

Infant and Nursery School

Reach for the Stars

Contact Details

Governing Body

Welcome to our Governors’ section


Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

We always welcome Parents/Carers who wish to be on the School Governing Body.  If you have any interest in becoming a Parent governor, please contact the school office so that we can advise you when vacancies arise.


Governors are always pleased to receive feedback and to answer any queries. Parents with a particular issue or concern should follow the school's Complaints Procedure, which asks parents to contact the class teacher in the first instance. If an issue cannot be resolved and you wish to discuss it in confidence please

e-mail the Chair of Governors on

School Governing Body

Chair of Governors

 Vice Chair of Governors 

Clerk to Governors

Mavis Avery

Deb Mandell

Leanne Tasker, Services for Schools


Staff Governors


Head Teacher - Mr J Stokes


Assistant Head/Year 1 Lead - Mrs J O'Reilly


Parent & Co-opted Governors

Ellen McEvoy (Co-OptedGovernor)


Clare Lines (Co-opted Governor)



 Helen Hoist (Parent Governor)

Rebecca Dougan (Parent Governor)





Castle Bromwich Infant & Nursery School

Governing Body

Mrs M Avery (Chair of Governors-Co-opted) 
Mrs D Mandell (Interim Vice-Chair of Governors) 
Mrs C Lines (Co-opted)

Helen Hoist ( Parent Governor)

Ms E McEvoy (Parent)
Mrs J O'Reilly (Staff- Assistant Headteacher)
Mr J Stokes (Headteacher)
Rebecca Dougan ( Parent Governor) 
Lianne Cross ( Staff governor) 



