Reading at CBINS
Intent - Reading lies at the heart of the curriculum at CBINS and provides the foundation for a lifetime of learning. We aim to ensure all children become readers and foster a love and enjoyment of reading through listening to and interacting with a variety of literature, genres and authors. Children learn to hear and say sounds, segment and blend with developing fluency, as well as sharing and talking about their reading experiences and understanding new vocabulary. We aim for children to be absorbed in as many opportunities to enjoy and celebrate reading, as we believe reading is key for academic success.

Curriculum Drivers | 
Phonics | 
Comprehension | 
Mapping |
- Learning for Life
- Learning together; Making connections
- Learning and Living Healthily
- Learnning and Living in our Community and the Wider World
| - Interact, listen to and join in
- Segment and blend
- Grapheme Phoneme Correspondence (GPCs)
- Accuracy and fluency
| - Interact, listen to and join in
- Understand text can have meaning
- Word and book talk
- Discuss, interpret and understand
| - Phonics route way which is progressive
- Progression of skills and knowledge in Reading
- Revisits, embeds and deepens prior learning
- Banded home reading books which children progress through based on their phonetic skills, understanding and comprehension
Implementation –We implement this by embedding reading throughout our children’s learning across all areas of the curriculum and their personal experiences. From the library to workshops with parents, our aim is to build a community of engaged readers who turn to reading for meaning and pleasure. For the teaching of early reading skills, children are baselined, grouped and continually assessed. We then follow a systematic phonics programme incorporating Letters and Sounds, ensuring maximum participation to meet and go beyond national expectations as outlined in the EYFS and KS1 curricula. For the teaching of comprehension skills and early vocabulary development, modelling and discussions around books is key. Guided and shared reading further develops this, as well as children’s range and understanding of vocabulary.

Teaching | 
A Reading School | 
Support and challenge | 
Retaining knowledge |
- Grouped phonics sessions
- Guided Reading
- Enhanced Story Time (shared/modelled reading)
- Responsive and adaptive to the needs of children
- Assessment for learning throughout
- Promoting independence through learning and play
- Impactful questioning that promotes deeper thinking and talk
- Promoting the use of everyday language, the language of learning e.g. compare, analyse etc... and subject specific vocabulary e.g. grapheme, phoneme, segment, blend etc…
- Developmentally appropriate approaches that lead to high levels of engagement, motivation and productivity
| - A fully immersive library experience
- Dedicated daily story time
- Reading areas in every classroom
- Reading across the provision – for pleasure and meaning
- Parental workshops and story times
- Celebrations of reading – World Book Day, Nursery Rhyme Week, Reading Champions etc…
- Links with the local library – summer reading challenge, visits
- Book fairs and sales
- Author visits
- 1:1 reading opportunities
| - Phonics groupings
- Scaffolding through reading materials, models, peer support and adult interaction
- Addressing errors at the point of misconception
- Delving deeper through questioning, both adult led and child led
- Use feedback, both at home and in school, learning conversations, play partnering and sustained shared thinking strategies to reinforce and extend learning
- Promoting independence through text choice
| - Sequential mapping and skills progression following a sequence of revisit, teach, practise, apply which embeds and reinforces taught content
- Learning environment where reading is evident everywhere.
- Access to familiar reading material available for children to revisit and build upon independently.
- Opportunites for reading across the curriculum and provision, encouraging children to turn to reading as part of their learning, play and exploration
- Applying skills and knowledge into new contexts by making links to previous learning
Impact – Our Reading curriculum leads to good results in both Key Stages. At the end of EYFS, 80% of children met or exceeded ELG for Reading compared to 75% nationally. In Year 1, pupils consistently score above national expectations in the phonics screening. At the end of KS1, 81% of children achieved the expected standard in Reading compared to 75% nationally, with an additional 27% reaching the standard for greater depth. Children develop their reading accuracy and fluency as well as their knowledge and understanding of word meanings and vocabulary. Above all, children develop a love of reading, showing excitement and interest, inspiring them to be lifetime readers.