Castle Bromwich

Infant and Nursery School

Reach for the Stars

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Writing at CBINS

Intent – Writing underpins our teaching and learning at CBINS. We aim to ensure all children become writers through developing children’s ability to use and manipulate a range of writing tools. Through their continued experiences, children develop their proficiency to make meaningful marks, write letters and sounds which develops into sentences and extended pieces of writing. Alongside this, we immerse all our children in a language rich environment to encourage communication and develop vocabulary. We strongly feel that if children are writing purposefully for an audience, this will motivate them to communicate their thoughts and ideas through writing and see it as a crucial life skill.

Curriculum Drivers



Spelling, Handwriting and Talk 4 Writing Mapping

  • Learning for Life
  • Learning together; Making connections
  • Learning and Living Healthily
  • Learnning and Living in our Community and the Wider World
  • Fine and gross motor control
  • Making marks
  • Formation and handwriting
  • Spelling
  • Generate and develop ideas
  • Articulate thoughts
  • Consider context
  • Give meaning to our writing
  • Re-read and correct
  • Progression of vocabulary, skills and knowledge
  • Builds on, embeds and deepens prior learning



ImplementationWe implement this by embedding writing throughout our children’s learning across all areas of the curriculum and their personal experiences. Our learning environment promotes independent opportunities to communicate through talk and writing which are explicitly modelled by all staff. We then follow the Talk 4 Writing teaching sequence alongside our spelling and handwriting scheme to meet and go beyond national expectations as outlined in the EYFS and KS1 curricula. Children develop their oral story telling skills and immerse themselves in high quality texts as a basis for their own innovations and application.


Talk 4 Writing

Support and challenge

Retaining knowledge

  • Modelling through clear presentation of subject matter
  • Responsive and adaptive to the needs of children
  • Assessment for learning throughout
  • Promoting independence through learning and play
  • Impactful questioning that promotes deeper thinking and talk
  • Promoting the use of everyday language, the language of learning e.g. compare, analyse etc... and subject specific vocabulary e.g. suffix, sentence, punctuation, adjective etc…
  • Developmentally appropriate approaches that lead to high levels of engagement, motivation and productivity
  • 3 staged approach – Imitate, Innovate and Independent Application
  • Model texts and toolkits tailored to the needs of the children
  • Story and text maps
  • Language rich – magpie, book talk, reading as a reader
  • Grammar woven through and explicitly referred to and modelled
  • Scaffolding through text types, models, peer support and adult interaction
  • Addressing errors at the point of misconception
  • Delving deeper through questioning, both adult led and child led
  • Use feedback, both at home and in school, learning conversations, play partnering and sustained shared thinking strategies to reinforce and extend learning
  • Promoting independence through innovation and application to different contexts
  • Sequential mapping and skills progression following the Talk 4 Writing sequence, Handwriting and Spelling schemes
  • Learning environment where writing is evident everywhere.
  • Access to writing materials such as story maps available for children to revisit and build upon independently.
  • Opportunites for writing across the curriculum and provision, encouraging children to turn to writing as part of their learning, play and exploration
  • Applying skills and knowledge into new contexts by making links to previous learning


Impact – Our Writing curriculum leads to good results in both Key Stages. At the end of EYFS, 79% of children met or exceeded the ELG for Writing compared to 75% nationally. At the end of KS1, 73% of children achieved the expected standard in Writing compared to 70% nationally, with an additional 22% reaching the standard for greater depth. Children develop their spoken language for storytelling, as well as their transcription when writing on the page. Above all children view themselves as storytellers and writers, confidently able to express their ideas creatively and develop writing flair using and magpying from modelled examples.





